PowerShell with Visual Studio

Tags: Powershell, Tools, Visual Studio

I started doing more and more PowerShell recently to automate provisioning environments on Azure and for CI & CD. I use Sublime for my editing - it's the best editor I've used but what I miss is a good vim plugin - or perhaps I haven't found that one. I use vim editor with my Visual Studio 2013.

Visual Studio might sound like not the tool for writing PowerShell scripts but with the right plugin will make your life easier.

Here you install Visual Studio plugin: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/c9eb3ba8-0c59-4944-9a62-6eee37294597. You get the intellisense support, debugging and even Unit Testing integration with Pester. In order to do this you need to use a PowerShell project. Usually I only need to edit my PowerShell scripts and I like to have the list of folders and files like you have with Visual Studio project or solution. There isn't a way in Visual Studio to open just a folder as you have in Sublime. The closest way of doing that is open File > Open > Web Site… Select File System and select the folder you want to open.

If you're developer and Visual Studio is your main IDE then this will be a nice addition to your Visual Studio tool set.


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